Molinism is a system of thought seeking to explain and reconcile the sovereignty of God and the free will of man. Molinism, while at first a tad bit difficult to understand, is the most attractive view of the four main views of divine providence and it's very easy to see why. Rather than saying God's foreknowledge of man is a mystery, Molinism tackles the mystery and gives us the best answer possible.
I do not hold to one particular view on predestination or divine providence, rather I tell people about the best work on the subject and let them judge for themselves. Arminianism does not convince me at all nor does radical\hyper Calvinism (I hate to put his name on that view), but the two that are most convincing to me are the Reformed view and Molinism. How can that be? Well, where the Reformed view is quiet, the Molinist view is loud.
The founder of Molinism is Luis de Molina and today's most ardent defender of Molina's work is William Lane Craig.
Further Reading:
Wikipedia, Molinism
William Lane Craig, "Molinism and Romans 9."
Reasonable Faith Podcast, Four Views on Divine Providence
William Lane Craig's articles on Molinism and middle knowledge
Greg Koukl, What do you think of Molinism?
The Providence of God by R.C. Sproul Questions on Middle Knowledge
Middle Knowledge and Free Will
Middle Knowledge and Christian Particularism
Misconceptions about Middle Knowledge
Middle Knowledge and Divine Election
Middle Knowledge and Hell
Thanks for posting this. I always wondered what you thought about molinism/middle knowledge.
ReplyDeleteNo problem. I definitely don't have any objections to it and I think it's a good view along with the reformed view. Molinism doesn't have the problems that the Arminian and Hyper-Calvinist views have. Plus, I think it compliments the Reformed view of predestination.
ReplyDeleteActaully, if you want to learn the truth about this so-called secret middle knowledge that was introduced in the 16th century as a way around the scriptural problems with all free will theology, check out Dr. James White at Alpha Omega Ministries and other reputable theologians. For the record, a Hyper-Calvinist is someone that believes, against what the Bible teaches and what Calvinism teaches, that preaching the Gospel is a waste of time because chooses anyway. A 5 point Calvinist is someone that believes and follows what the scriptures teach with regards to salavation and God's soverienty. Listen to people like Seth and take his word for things and he will lead you down a path of deception and misinformation like his Willian Lane Craig and every other free willy that ever lived. Don't believe Seth for a second when he says he doesn't hold to a particular view on divine providence and predestination, all free willy's hold to the same view. They just try and wiggle around scripture to make it sound better than the last heresy that was put forth.
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting z24skado. I like to know what readers of my blog think.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I think my post made it clear that I do not hold tightly to Molinism. I am of the Reformed faith, a five pointer to be exact, and I don't find middle knowledge to be heretical or at least the way Craig defends it. I also think if you browse my blog you'll find that I treat the subject quite fair. Here in this post I've listed resources for and against Molinism and elsewhere you'll find that I list resources for R.C. Sproul's series on providence and What is Reformed Theology. I don't think at all that I'm leading folks down a path of deception and misinformation since I give both sides to a view.
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ReplyDeleteAm I missing something?
ReplyDeleteI find it strange that Greg Koukl's problem with 'Molinism' is that it entails an election of worlds, while Scripture teaches the election of individuals. I believe God's 'election of worlds' to actualize His ultimate election of individuals unto salvation(mercy) indicates no logical or Scriptural contradiction.
Again, am I missing something?
I don't think you are missing something. I too was a little confused by Greg's response to Molinism. I've perused the STR site for more of Greg's comments on molinism, but haven't found anything else.
ReplyDeleteI guess since Greg doesn't find any molinistic concepts in scripture, so he doesn't endorse it or hold to it.